Behind the Scenes

Who is Chris Eckhoff?


I am a student at the University of Minnesota Duluth (UMD), studying Communication and Journalism. Originally born and raised in Apple Valley, Minn., I moved to Duluth in the fall of 2011 where I started my journey at UMD.

I discovered my passion for writing at a young age, with an emphasis in storytelling. Do you remember the old, clunky desktop computers everyone used to have in their home offices back in the ’90s / early ’00s? Well, somewhere hidden in storage at my mom’s house is that clunker; a Mac desktop computer with about 30-40 unfinished creative stories from my childhood. I give you the detail of these being “unfinished” because that describes a lot about my passion for storytelling. I would be midway through a story and another idea would spark my interest, forcing me to drop what I was doing and make sure I started up my next idea. The idea of unfinished material may not be the most glamorous trait to depict from my past writing, but I was just a child exploring the depths of my newfound outlet for creativity.

Writing quickly became my passion, and ever since, I have been relentlessly pursuing a place to call ‘home’ in a journalistic sense. I’ve been starting blog after blog attempting to find my most passionate topic, and I think I’ve finally found it. My interest for this type of production (audio/visual) was recently sparked from a video I discovered, a feature piece on a new rapper named A-F-R-O.

The piece was incredibly well done. I felt connected to A-F-R-O and was inspired to pursue similar work, featuring individuals striving to succeed in their passions.

In a way, I am striving for the same thing in my journalistic pursuit. I want to do whatever it takes to be able to revolve my life around my passion for writing and storytelling. This blog is the first step of many in my pursuit.



Contact Info:

Email: (#0,#6, #0 are the three numerical digits at the end of my email address)

Phone: (952)-797-3062

Feel free to fill out the contact form below with any questions or comments about the blog. This information will be emailed to me and I will get back to you as soon as I can.