
Why was ‘Story Time Duluth’ created?

Storytelling. One of my favorite past times. Giving life to a series of fictional or non-fictional events in order to paint a picture for your audience. Nowadays, it seems as if the art of storytelling is becoming lost in an age of technology and gadgets. Face-to-face interactions are becoming more and more limited, and storytelling is reduced to 140 character tweets. It’s time to put some authenticity and creativity back into storytelling.

What is the main theme behind our feature stories?


How someone chooses to express themselves speaks volumes about who they are and what they love. Our relentless pursuit of living a meaningful and fulfilling life revolves around our choices on a day-to-day basis. From the career we choose to the hobbies we participate in, our choices define who we are. This all ties into our natural desire to pursue a life of happiness and our active involvement in the things that we are most passionate about.

The goal behind “Story Time Duluth”

The goal behind “Story Time” is to feature individuals who are actively pursuing the things that they love in order to express themselves. I want to discover how these individuals came about their passions and what drove them to relentlessly pursue a lifestyle that revolved around these passions. In order to dedicate your life to the expression of your passions, you have to be willing to take on anything in order to succeed. These tend to be great stories tell: Stories of trial and error, success and failure, and ultimately the dedication and hard work it takes to pursue what you love.

Feature Formatting

The feature productions will either be: A) A combination of audio, video and photo to create a feature video, B) An audio podcast or C) A story written in article format. Some features could be a combination of all three styles of production.


Everyone has a story to tell. What’s yours?


How to interact with Story Time Duluth:

Have a story of your own and want to be featured on Story Time Duluth? 

Tweet a brief description of what you do to: @storytimeduluth

Post a picture or video on Instagram and tag it with the hashtag: #storytimeduluth

For the social medium with the fewest limitations on the length of the post, head to Facebook and post on the Story Time Duluth page wall.



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